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Dublin Youth Athletics

Dublin Select Boys Lacrosse - Important Dates

Dublin Select Boys Lacrosse Team Evaluations: Sunday, March 16.

Scroll down this page for more information about Boys Select Lacrosse.

2025 Select Boys Lacrosse - Program Information

2025 Dublin Select Boys Lacrosse
March 16-June 1

The Dublin Select Boys Lacrosse program is offered in addition to the DYA Recreational Lacrosse program and takes place in the spring for 3rd-6th graders. All players wishing to play on a Select team must be registered participants in the DYA Recreational League and must attend the majority of their Recreational League games and practices.

Select Lacrosse is a competitive development program offering an enhanced level of skill development and coaching. Lacrosse fundamentals are emphasized in a team environment as boys gain experience competing against other communities. No lacrosse experience is necessary!

Dublin Select Boys Lacrosse Divisions (2024-2025 school year):
3rd/4th Grade Division
5th/6th Grade Division

Dublin Select teams compete against area Select teams at tournaments and play dates on Saturdays from late April through early June. Dublin Select teams do not play club teams or participate in club tournaments. Select Lacrosse is competitive and playing time for Select is not guaranteed as it is the Recreational League. Best efforts will be made by all coaches to provide as much playing opportunity to all players as possible.

The goal is to field at least one team for the 3rd/4th Grade Division and two (A & B) teams for the 5th/6th Grade Division. The final number of teams is determined by the number of participants and coaches.

Select Team Evaluations: Team evaluations for the Dublin Select Boys Lacrosse program (3rd-6th Grade) are held during Boys Lacrosse Opening Day on Sunday, March 16 at Dublin Scioto Stadium. 3rd/4th Grade: 1:15 PM to 2:00 PM; 5th/6th Grade: 2:15 PM to 3:00 PM. Full equipment is REQUIRED. Select Team invitations will be sent out following the evaluation.

All players must attend the Select Lacrosse team evaluation. The goal of the evaluation is not to “cut” players but to make sure that they are placed on a team corresponding with their current skill level. Coaches and independent evaluators will be on-site. There is no cost to attend evaluations. If you have a conflict with the Select Lacrosse evaluation date/time, please email [email protected].

The following items are required to be evaluated: (1) helmet, (2) gloves, (3) shoulder/elbow pads, (4) stick, (5) mouth guard, (6) DYA Lacrosse jersey. For more information on DYA Lacrosse equipment and rental, visit the DYA Recreational Lacrosse webpage: DYA Rec Boys Lacrosse.

Calling all goalies - we need goalies! Be sure to let us know if your child has an interest in playing/trying out for goalie!

Select Boys Lacrosse Parent Informational Meeting: Monday, March 3, 6:30 PM at Wyandot Elementary School (5620 Dublinshire Dr)

Practices: Select Lacrosse practices begin in mid-March. Practices are typically held on weeknights from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM following Recreational League practices and will be scheduled by the coaching staff of each individual team. Once the teams are selected, the final practice schedules will be announced by each team's head coach.

Spring Break & Easter Sunday: There are no practices or games during Dublin Spring Break (March 22-30) or Easter Sunday (April 20).

Fees: Estimated total cost is $195. The Select Lacrosse supplemental fee is determined by the final number of players and total estimated costs. Select Lacrosse fees cover the cost of uniform shorts, tournament entries, and referee fees for games hosted by DYA.

Fields: All practices are held at Emerald Fields, 4040 Wyandotte Woods Blvd in Dublin. Emerald Fields Map (PDF)

Emerald Fields has an automated external defibrillator (AED) available in case of emergency. AEDs are portable, life-saving devices designed to treat people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest, a medical condition in which the heart stops beating suddenly and unexpectedly. AED Locations at City of Dublin Parks (PDF)

Expectations: We ask that Select Lacrosse players attend all practices, weekend tournament games and play dates as Select team sizes are typically smaller than the Recreational League. For concerns about commitments prior to the start of the season, email [email protected].

Do you reside outside of DYA boundaries?: This program is open to all families residing within the boundaries of the Dublin City School District or within the City of Dublin. Out of boundary families may participate if there is space available in the program.

Questions? Contact DYA Boys Lacrosse Co-Directors Jeffrey Susie & Monica Zins at [email protected].

2025 Select Boys Lacrosse Schedule:
Note: We anticipate the dates below, but they are subject to change.  In addition, we continuously look for additional play opportunities, which will be communicated before or during the season.

Saturday, April 19 - Emerald Play Day - Emerald Fields (Dublin, Ohio)
Saturday, May 3 - Resolute Shootout - Fortress Obetz (Obetz, Ohio)
Saturday, May 17 - Upper Arlington Invitational - Chevy Chase Park (Upper Arlington, Ohio)
Saturday May 31 - Ohio Cup - Fortress Obetz (Obetz, Ohio)

DYA Recreational Boys Lacrosse

For information about DYA Recreational Boys Lacrosse program, visit our Recreational Boys Lacrosse webpage: DYA Rec Boys Lacrosse


Dublin Youth Athletics
6543 Commerce Pkwy, Ste G
Dublin, Ohio 43017

Phone: 614-259-7631
Email: [email protected]

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