The information below is from 2024 Summer Golf Rec League. 2025 Summer Golf Rec League information will be published later this year. The program will be structured similarly to 2024.
2024 Summer Golf Rec League
Sunday evenings: May 26-July 14
Summer Golf Rec League: 3rd Grade and older (2023-2024 school year)
The DYA Summer Golf League in an 8-week program where registrants play 9 holes of golf on Sunday evenings at local courses. Players of all skill levels are welcome and must be in 3rd grade or older.
2024 Dates (all Sundays): May 26, June 2, June 9, June 16, June 23, June 30, July 7, and July 14
Tee Times: Tee times are between 5:00 PM to 6:45 PM. Players need to be at the tee 15 minutes before their scheduled tee time. Tee times are communicated via email on a weekly basis.
Courses: Golf Club of Dublin, Safari Golf Club, The Ridge Golf Club, Mill Creek Golf Club, Rolling Meadows Golf Club, SportsOhio Wee Links
Equipment: All players need to supply their own equipment: clubs, balls, tees, and glove. Golf shoes are optional.
Fee: $195, plus $40 for a DYA golf shirt & hat, if you need them.
Financial assistance is available through the DYA Grant Program for families that qualify. For more information, visit the DYA Grant Program webpage: DYA Grant Program
Pairings: Groups are put together based on grade and ability. Please make a note in the "special requests/comments" section of the registration form if you have any requested pairings.
Preseason League Meeting: The preseason league meeting for parents will be held on Monday, May 6 at 6:30 PM at Bailey Elementary School (4900 Brandonway Dr). DYA Golf shirts & hats are distributed at this meeting.
Do you reside outside of DYA boundaries?: This program is open to all families residing within the boundaries of the Dublin City School District or within the City of Dublin. Out of boundary families may participate if there is space available in the program.
Questions? Contact the DYA Office at [email protected].